Made in NY Animation Project

2024 Summer Program

July 8th - August 15th


Please take a moment to fill out our pre-program survey!

What do I need in order to participate in this program?

  • A device (desktop, laptop, tablet, phone) with a working internet connection

  • Access to Zoom

  • Something to write on and write with

Do I need to download software to participate?

No, but there are several software options out there if you are interested in learning more about animation after this program. You will learn what they are and how to access them.

What if I missed orientation?

You can view the Orientation Presentation slides here.

What if I have a scheduling conflict?

Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate any changes in schedule.

What if I am having technical issues and can’t log into my group or get logged out of my group?

We understand that technical difficulties do occur. We recommend that you test your internet connectivity and Zoom link prior to the start of the group to allow you time to troubleshoot any issues. If you arrive on time to group and then get logged off, you will be admitted back in and your attendance will not be affected as long as you are in group for the minimum time required:

  • AM Career Readiness: If you are present for less than a total of 30 minutes, you will be marked absent.

  • PM Animation Production: If you are present for less than a total of 90 minutes, you will be marked absent.

What happens if I arrive late to a session?

  • Starting Week 2 (July 15th), the group will close 10 minutes after the start time.

  • If you arrive more than 10 minutes after the start time, you will not be admitted into the Zoom session.

  • Arriving more than 10 minutes late counts as an absence.

  • You will only be paid for the sessions you attend.

Can I make up a missed session?

  • If you miss a session, it will count as an absence and cannot be made up.

  • You will only be paid for the sessions you attend.



How do I get paid?

  1. Your incentive card should arrive in the mail sometime between July 22nd-26th.

  2. Receive your card!

  3. TAP will give you a single use four-digit code to activate your card. This number is NOT related to your social security number. You can also find your Incentive Card Activation Code HERE. The password to enter the page will be shared via email.

  4. Once activated, you will create your own four-digit PIN.

  5. Your incentive will automatically be loaded onto your account on our 2 paydays!

  6. If you want to check your balance, call the phone number on your card.

How much will I be paid?

  • $15/ hour

  • 12 hours per week of programming

    • Weekly Max Incentive Amount = $180/week

  • 6 weeks total programming

  • Max. incentive amount (not including bonus incentives): $1,080

  • Total bonus incentives you can earn: $120

    • Workplace Advocacy Badge: $15

    • Applying for the Job Badge: $15

    • 100% weekly attendance: $15 per week

  • Max. incentive amount (including bonus incentives): $1,200

  • You will only be paid for the sessions you attend.

When will I be paid?

  1. Tuesday, July 30th - Max. Incentive: $540

    • Pay Period: July 8th - July 26th

  2.  Tuesday, August 20th - Max. Incentive: $540

    • Pay Period: July 29th - August 15th

    • PLUS BONUS INCENTIVES (if applicable)

Do my funds expire?

All incentive funds will expire one year after programming. Funds must be used prior to July 8th, 2025. After July 8th 2025, any unused funds will be unloaded. Funds cannot be re issued once unloaded.

Who do I contact with questions about my incentive?


What are Digital Badges?

Digital Badges are indicators of accomplishment or skill that can be displayed, accessed, and verified online. By the end of this program you will be eligible to earn TWO Digital Badges!

Workplace Advocacy

A student with this credential will be able to use feedback to influence future professional growth and take responsibility for career development.

Applying for the Job

A student with this credential has the tools and techniques to gain the attention of a hiring manager. These earners can create a professional resume, portfolio and cover letter.

How do I earn a digital badge?

  • To qualify for a badge, you must:

    • Attend 75% of all AM Career Readiness groups from 7/8-8/15

    • Submit the badge submission form for the badge you are applying for by 8/12 at 5pm

    • Badge submission forms

  • Badges will be awarded through:


When will I receive my badge?

  • All badging submissions are due by 8/12 at 5pm

  • Badges will be awarded by 8/14

What if I’ve already earned one of these badges in a previous program?

  • If you’ve already earned a badge, you can not be awarded the same badge again, and you are not eligible for the $15 incentive for that badge.

*BONUS BADGE* Public Speaking will be awarded to those who present at the end-of-summer webinar. It is not incentivized and there is no submission form required. If you are interested in earning the Public Speaking badge, reach out to your group facilitators!
If you present at the end-of-summer webinar, please complete the Public Speaking Badge form by 8/22 at 5pm.
Your badge will be awarded in early September.

Artwork SubmissionS

What if I create artwork outside of group that I want to share?

  • We’d love to see and share the art you create during the 2024 Summer Program!

  • Submit your artwork to

    • In the email, please include the following:

      1. Email Subject: Artwork

      2. Artwork File

      • Accepted File Types: PDF, JPG, PNG, MOV, MP4

      • File Naming


        Example: Group3_Red_JaneDoe_Self-Portrait.png

    • All artwork must follow TAP’s Artwork Submission Guidelines

  • We will showcase artwork on our social media!



Who do I contact for scheduling and other group-related questions?

Who do I contact for questions about incentives?

Who do I contact for questions about digital badges?

Who do I contact if I want to share my artwork?