Donation Menu
The Animation Project, Inc. is recognized by the IRS as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3). All contributions are fully tax-deductible under applicable laws. EIN: 26-2318845
$5 - Every dollar counts!
$25 - Provide a participant with a one-time stipend for a therapeutic animation group.
$50 - Supply the materials needed to run one community-based therapeutic animation group for 12 participants.
$150 - Provide $15 monetary incentives for 10 participants engaging in a therapeutic animation group. Short term, incentives for learning provide participants with the opportunity for hands-on money management practice. Long term, participants with well-paying jobs and the skills to manage their resources will transform their communities.
$500 - Ensure our participants have access to cutting edge technology.
Receive 1 TAP tote bag
$1100 - Sponsor a participant through our core program, providing one 15-24 year old with training in the animation pipeline and high-quality therapeutic services.
Receive 1 TAP tote bag
Your name in the group’s film credit reel
$5000 - Provide industry-standard software licenses for one year.
Receive 1 TAP tote bag
Your name/company logo in training program credit reels (for 1 year)
Your name/company logo on the TAP website (for 1 year)
Visit a group and watch our participants in action
$25,000 - Fund a full program cycle at a community-based probation site supporting the production of an original animated film with justice-involved participants.
Receive 1 TAP tote bag
Your name / company logo in all TAP film credits (for 6 months)
Your name / company logo on the TAP website (for 6 months)
Visit a group and attend their screening
Photo and volunteer opportunities for you (and your company, if applicable)
Optional press release announcing your donation
Receive original, framed collaborative artwork, made and signed by participants
Enter custom amount
Make check payable to The Animation Project and mail to:
The Animation Project
Attn: Meredith Dean
320 7th Avenue #201
Brooklyn, NY 11215
A gift of appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares may allow
for a charitable deduction plus avoidance of the capital gains tax.
TD Ameritrade
The Animation Project
Account #: 863497157
DTC Code: 0188
Enter Animation Project Inc
For financials, contact Black Ink Services
Phone: 718.360.0680 Ext 131
The Animation Project, Inc. is recognized by the IRS as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3).
All contributions are fully tax-deductible under applicable laws.
EIN: 26-2318845