TAP Interns Visit FOX Media Production Group and Make NATIONAL NEWS!

Last week, our Animation Intensive interns had the incredible opportunity to spend a full day at the FOX Media Production Group Studio!
Our interns toured multiple studios from radio to sports to news, got a behind-the-scenes look into control rooms, saw a live VR/AR demo, and even stood behind the camera of a Live TV set!
Interns enjoyed a pancake filled lunch - it was National Pancake Day after all - before meeting with the FOX HR and Leadership Team to learn about hiring practices.
A Q+A followed with Fox News TV co-host Dana Perino and President of @foxnews Jay Wallace!
Yet another treat was when our interns were individually paired with Daily Artists, shadowing them side by side as they worked on real-time 3D projects and shared their insights about the business.
It was a jam packed day, to say the least!
Just when we thought it couldn’t get any better, we make NATIONAL NEWS when Dana Perino features our visit and the work we do in her “One More Thing” segment on The Five!