2020-21 Virtual Training Program GRADUATION!
On July 1st, TAP staff, partners, family, and friends came together to celebrate the many outstanding accomplishments of TAP’s 2020-21 Virtual Training Program graduating class!
For 9 months, this group of 30 trainees met 6 hours a week receiving advanced training on 3D production and post production (CGI, VFX, motion graphics), supervision by professional animators, guest lectures, and industry professional mentorships. Trainees earned a stipend and learned financial literacy in preparation for placement in professional positions or additional schooling upon graduation.
Trainees worked on individual projects including ads for Beats headphones, RedBull, Hublot Ferrari watches, Audi and more. As a group, they used their unique skillsets to create a final thesis film, Behind the Dream!
For the first time ever, TAP partnered with MediaMKRS and ReelWorks to develop digital badges the interns could earn for specialized skills they develop. Digital badges are recognized by industry professional and can be shared on online resumes, portfolios, and correspondence. The interns earned 187 badges in total!

Spearheaded by Masu Begum, a handful of our interns took the initiative to create their own grad reel, showcasing their animation skills and animated personas!
The celebration culminated in cameras on, music up, and a group dance party! Congratulations to the class of 2021! We can’t wait to see what you all do next!
A big THANK YOU to the Made in NY Animation Project, a partnership between The Animation Project, Neighborhood Opportunity Network, and the NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, for making this program possible.