Intern Exclusive: Sanjona Arzan


Sanjona Arzan is currently an intern in TAP’s Virtual Intensive Training Internship. She is also working toward her bachelors in computer science and new media digital design at Fordham University. Sanjona loves to draw, watch horror movies and anything Studio Ghibli, and she collects earrings!
We asked Sanjona a few Qs about her creative process, experience as a TAP intern, and more.


Tell us about your winning design for January’s #TAPmonthlychallenge: Transformation on Instagram and what it means to you!

I have designed a person looking through the well surrounded with green leaves and a circle of warm light is gleaming on the face. The person is not me, it’s the idea of hope that keeps everyone going forward, even if what lies ahead is unknown.

What’s one of your favorite animated characters and why?

My favorite animated character keeps changing. So for now my fav is Marceline from Adventure Time and Onizuka from Great Teacher Onizuka. I can relate to Marceline in so many ways. She made mistakes and she learned a lot from those. Onizuka just makes me laugh. Yeah, that’s it, that’s why I love Onizuka. Both of them are dynamic in regards to their design and character arc.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

I can rarely design original pieces. So I try to get inspiration from everything. Sometimes I dream of something beautiful and jot it down when I wake up. There are some of my favorite artists, for example, Gabriel Picolo, who constantly inspire me to keep up the creative spree.

What brought you to TAP?

I first joined TAP during summer break right after I graduated high school. The sessions were really informative. It motivated me to choose Media as my college major. As I entered the virtual intensive program, which I never thought I’d get in, I became confident in my decision of choosing Media as a major because this really sparked joy in me. TAP is resourceful in every way and I hope to continue my exciting journey with TAP.


How has your experience changed since the beginning of internship to now?

I have to say TAP is as exciting as it was in the beginning. But beyond that TAP has proved to be intensive with the quality of work time and the overall environment. My peers and teachers are always up to date. Don’t get me started with our connections in social media. There’s always someone up even at 10 at night in Discord to solve a project problem. I am certain TAP will grow and become available to thousands of people like me.

What is something you accomplished at TAP that you are proud of?

TAP is like my stepping stone to a career. Before this, I was scared to even apply for a job or present myself in an interview. But TAP has changed my perspective on the career field. I am eager to show hiring managers what I have achieved and what I can do; I am really proud of that.

What advice do you have for anyone who wants to enter the animation field?

For someone who is just starting out, I’d say the animation industry is huge. Even the word animation could be broken up into many fields. So no need to panic about where to start. Just take your pen, pencil, or any digital material and do something. YouTube could be your learning spot. Instagram could be your inspiration. Do some research on the industry. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

stephanie Syfert